How To Use AI to Solve FunCaptcha


The rise of CAPTCHAs has significantly impacted online security. FunCaptcha, a popular CAPTCHA type, presents unique challenges that can be daunting for humans but not necessarily for advanced AI systems. This article delves into the intricate process of creating an AI model to tackle FunCaptcha challenges, illustrating the step-by-step approach to handling CAPTCHA problems using sophisticated AI techniques.

📊 Data Set Collection and Preparation

The cornerstone of any effective AI model is a robust dataset. The process begins with gathering a comprehensive set of images, encompassing valid and invalid CAPTCHA examples. This dataset forms the bedrock for training the AI model, enabling it to effectively learn and distinguish between legitimate and erroneous CAPTCHA images.

Gathering Images

It is crucial to source a diverse array of CAPTCHA images to build a reliable dataset. This includes:

  • Valid CAPTCHA Images: These are correctly rendered CAPTCHA images the model should learn to recognize as valid.
  • Invalid CAPTCHA Images: These images contain errors or manipulations the model must identify as invalid.

By assembling a diverse dataset, the model can be trained to distinguish between the nuances of valid and invalid CAPTCHAs accurately.

🔍 Image Processing Using Pillow

The next step involves processing the collected images to prepare them for AI training. This is achieved using the Pillow library, a powerful tool for image manipulation in Python.

Splitting Images

The Pillow library’s crop function is instrumental in isolating the digits within the CAPTCHA images. The process involves:

  • We are identifying the Digit Area: We are pointing out the specific area where the digit is located within the CAPTCHA image.
  • Cropping the Image: Using the crop function to extract the digit, ensuring it is isolated and ready for further processing.

This step is critical as it ensures that the AI model receives clean, focused inputs, enhancing its ability to learn and recognize patterns accurately.

🧠 Building the AI Model with RoboFlow

RoboFlow, a free and comprehensive platform, provides the necessary datasets and models to streamline the AI training process.

Accessing and Utilizing RoboFlow

RoboFlow simplifies the AI model creation by offering:

  • Pre-existing Datasets: These datasets are curated to facilitate the training of models for specific tasks, such as recognizing digits in CAPTCHAs.
  • Model Training Tools: RoboFlow provides tools that enable users to train models efficiently, even with limited AI development experience.

By leveraging RoboFlow, the presenter trains a model to recognize and differentiate digits within CAPTCHA images accurately.

🔧 Script Creation for CAPTCHA Detection

Creating scripts to detect and validate CAPTCHAs is a crucial aspect of this project. These scripts are designed to detect the offset of lines within the CAPTCHA and compare these offsets with the recognized digits.

Developing the Detection Script

The process involves:

  • Identifying Offsets: Using AI to detect the offset of lines in the CAPTCHA image.
  • Comparison Mechanism: These offsets are compared with the digits recognized by the AI model to determine the validity of the CAPTCHA.

This method ensures that the AI model can accurately validate or invalidate CAPTCHA images based on the detected offsets and recognized digits.

🎯 Icon Positioning within the Game Interface

Another significant challenge addressed in the video is the detection of identical icons within the game interface, a common feature in FunCaptcha.

Creating the Icon Detection Model

The steps include:

  • Model Training: Training a model to recognize and locate identical icons within the interface.
  • Position Detection: Determining the exact positions of these icons to ensure accurate detection.

This model is crucial for identifying whether two identical icons exist and pinpointing their locations, an essential requirement for solving FunCaptcha challenges.

🏷️ Efficient Labeling with Label Studio

Label Studio, an open-source data labeling tool from GitHub, is pivotal in preparing the dataset for AI model training.

Setting Up Label Studio

The video provides a detailed guide on:

  • Project Creation: Setting up a new project within Label Studio.
  • Image Importing: The collected CAPTCHA images are imported into the project.
  • Class Addition: Adding classes for the detected objects to facilitate accurate labeling.

Labeling and Exporting Data

Once the images are labeled, they are exported in YOLO format, preparing them for model training. This step is essential for ensuring the AI model is trained on high-quality, accurate annotated data.

📤 Training the AI Model

Training the AI model involves using the labeled data to teach the model to recognize valid and invalid CAPTCHA images accurately.

Training Process

The critical elements of the training process include:

  • Dataset Size: Ensuring a substantial dataset with at least 200 images to achieve reliable results.
  • Training Iterations: Running multiple training iterations to fine-tune the model’s accuracy and robustness.

By following these steps, the presenter emphasizes the importance of having a sufficient number of labeled images to train the model effectively.

🧪 Testing and Validation

The final step is to test the AI model with both valid and invalid CAPTCHA images to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

Validation Process

The validation process involves:

  • Test Runs: Running the AI script on a series of CAPTCHA images to evaluate its performance.
  • Accuracy Checks: Ensuring the model can accurately distinguish between valid and invalid CAPTCHA images.

Successful validation demonstrates the script’s effectiveness, showcasing its ability to handle CAPTCHA challenges efficiently.

🌟 2Captcha: A Recommended Alternative

While AI models can be highly effective in solving CAPTCHAs, there are instances where human intervention is preferable. 2Captcha, a renowned human CAPTCHA solver service, offers an efficient alternative.

Benefits of 2Captcha

  • Human Accuracy: Leveraging human capabilities to solve CAPTCHAs with high accuracy.
  • Service Efficiency: Providing a reliable solution when AI models are not applicable or encounter challenges.

2Captcha is a valuable backup, ensuring that CAPTCHA challenges are always solvable, regardless of the circumstances.

Insights Based on Numbers

The importance of having a substantial dataset cannot be overstated. The video suggests that a dataset comprising at least 200 images is adequate for training the model effectively. This number ensures that the model is exposed to a diverse array of CAPTCHA images, enhancing its robustness and accuracy in detection.


Creating an AI model to tackle FunCaptcha challenges is a multifaceted process that involves careful data collection, image processing, model training, and rigorous testing. By leveraging tools like RoboFlow and Label Studio and following a systematic approach, it is possible to develop a highly effective AI solution for FunCaptcha. Additionally, services like 2Captcha provide a reliable alternative, ensuring comprehensive CAPTCHA-solving capabilities. This guide offers a detailed roadmap for anyone looking to delve into the fascinating world of AI-driven CAPTCHA solutions, emphasizing the importance of each step in achieving a robust and reliable model.


How does the video explain the process of splitting images for AI training?

The video explains that the Pillow library prepares images for AI training. Specifically, the crop function is employed to split where the digit is located in the CAPTCHA. This step isolates the digit, making it easier for the AI to process and recognize. The split images are then tested to ensure they are correctly prepared for the next steps in the AI model development.

What role does RoboFlow play in the creation of the AI model?

RoboFlow provides the datasets and models necessary for training the AI. In the video, RoboFlow is used to access a pre-existing dataset and train a model capable of recognizing digits in CAPTCHAs. RoboFlow’s free platform offers a range of tools and resources that simplify the AI training process, making it accessible even for those with limited experience in AI development.

How is the Label Studio tool used to prepare data for training the model?

Label Studio efficiently labels images, a crucial step in preparing data for AI model training. The video shows how to set up Label Studio, create a new project, import pictures, and add classes for detected objects. Once the photos are labeled and exported in YOLO format, prepare them for model training. This labeling process ensures that the AI has high-quality, accurately annotated data to learn.

By understanding and following these detailed steps, developers can create powerful AI models capable of handling FunCaptcha’s complexities, ensuring a seamless and effective CAPTCHA-solving experience.

How to AI for FunCaptcha: A Comprehensive Guide

🚀 Introduction

The rise of CAPTCHAs has significantly impacted online security. FunCaptcha, a popular CAPTCHA type, presents unique challenges that can be daunting for humans but not necessarily for advanced AI systems. This article delves into the intricate process of creating an AI model to tackle FunCaptcha challenges, illustrating the step-by-step approach to handling CAPTCHA problems using sophisticated AI techniques.

📊 Data Set Collection and Preparation

The cornerstone of any effective AI model is a robust dataset. The process begins with gathering a comprehensive set of images, encompassing valid and invalid CAPTCHA examples. This dataset forms the bedrock for training the AI model, enabling it to effectively learn and distinguish between legitimate and erroneous CAPTCHA images.

Gathering Images

It is crucial to source a diverse array of CAPTCHA images to build a reliable dataset. This includes:

  • Valid CAPTCHA Images: These are correctly rendered CAPTCHA images the model should learn to recognize as valid.
  • Invalid CAPTCHA Images: These images contain errors or manipulations the model must identify as invalid.

By assembling a diverse dataset, the model can be trained to distinguish between the nuances of valid and invalid CAPTCHAs accurately.

🔍 Image Processing Using Pillow

The next step involves processing the collected images to prepare them for AI training. This is achieved using the Pillow library, a powerful tool for image manipulation in Python.

Splitting Images

The Pillow library’s crop function is instrumental in isolating the digits within the CAPTCHA images. The process involves:

  • We are identifying the Digit Area: We are pointing out the specific area where the digit is located within the CAPTCHA image.
  • Cropping the Image: Using the crop function to extract the digit, ensuring it is isolated and ready for further processing.

This step is critical as it ensures that the AI model receives clean, focused inputs, enhancing its ability to learn and recognize patterns accurately.

🧠 Building the AI Model with RoboFlow

RoboFlow, a free and comprehensive platform, provides the necessary datasets and models to streamline the AI training process.

Accessing and Utilizing RoboFlow

RoboFlow simplifies the AI model creation by offering:

  • Pre-existing Datasets: These datasets are curated to facilitate the training of models for specific tasks, such as recognizing digits in CAPTCHAs.
  • Model Training Tools: RoboFlow provides tools that enable users to train models efficiently, even with limited AI development experience.

By leveraging RoboFlow, the presenter trains a model to recognize and differentiate digits within CAPTCHA images accurately.

🔧 Script Creation for CAPTCHA Detection

Creating scripts to detect and validate CAPTCHAs is a crucial aspect of this project. These scripts are designed to detect the offset of lines within the CAPTCHA and compare these offsets with the recognized digits.

Developing the Detection Script

The process involves:

  • Identifying Offsets: Using AI to detect the offset of lines in the CAPTCHA image.
  • Comparison Mechanism: These offsets are compared with the digits recognized by the AI model to determine the validity of the CAPTCHA.

This method ensures that the AI model can accurately validate or invalidate CAPTCHA images based on the detected offsets and recognized digits.

🎯 Icon Positioning within the Game Interface

Another significant challenge addressed in the video is the detection of identical icons within the game interface, a common feature in FunCaptcha.

Creating the Icon Detection Model

The steps include:

  • Model Training: Training a model to recognize and locate identical icons within the interface.
  • Position Detection: Determining the exact positions of these icons to ensure accurate detection.

This model is crucial for identifying whether two identical icons exist and pinpointing their locations, an essential requirement for solving FunCaptcha challenges.

🏷️ Efficient Labeling with Label Studio

Label Studio, an open-source data labeling tool from GitHub, is pivotal in preparing the dataset for AI model training.

Setting Up Label Studio

The video provides a detailed guide on:

  • Project Creation: Setting up a new project within Label Studio.
  • Image Importing: The collected CAPTCHA images are imported into the project.
  • Class Addition: Adding classes for the detected objects to facilitate accurate labeling.

Labeling and Exporting Data

Once the images are labeled, they are exported in YOLO format, preparing them for model training. This step is essential for ensuring the AI model is trained on high-quality, accurate annotated data.

📤 Training the AI Model

Training the AI model involves using the labeled data to teach the model to recognize valid and invalid CAPTCHA images accurately.

Training Process

The critical elements of the training process include:

  • Dataset Size: Ensuring a substantial dataset with at least 200 images to achieve reliable results.
  • Training Iterations: Running multiple training iterations to fine-tune the model’s accuracy and robustness.

By following these steps, the presenter emphasizes the importance of having a sufficient number of labeled images to train the model effectively.

🧪 Testing and Validation

The final step is to test the AI model with both valid and invalid CAPTCHA images to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

Validation Process

The validation process involves:

  • Test Runs: Running the AI script on a series of CAPTCHA images to evaluate its performance.
  • Accuracy Checks: Ensuring the model can accurately distinguish between valid and invalid CAPTCHA images.

Successful validation demonstrates the script’s effectiveness, showcasing its ability to handle CAPTCHA challenges efficiently.

🌟 2Captcha: A Recommended Alternative

While AI models can be highly effective in solving CAPTCHAs, there are instances where human intervention is preferable. 2Captcha, a renowned human CAPTCHA solver service, offers an efficient alternative.

Benefits of 2Captcha

  • Human Accuracy: Leveraging human capabilities to solve CAPTCHAs with high accuracy.
  • Service Efficiency: Providing a reliable solution when AI models are not applicable or encounter challenges.

2Captcha is a valuable backup, ensuring that CAPTCHA challenges are always solvable, regardless of the circumstances.

Insights Based on Numbers

The importance of having a substantial dataset cannot be overstated. The video suggests that a dataset comprising at least 200 images is adequate for training the model effectively. This number ensures that the model is exposed to a diverse array of CAPTCHA images, enhancing its robustness and accuracy in detection.


Creating an AI model to tackle FunCaptcha challenges is a multifaceted process that involves careful data collection, image processing, model training, and rigorous testing. By leveraging tools like RoboFlow and Label Studio and following a systematic approach, it is possible to develop a highly effective AI solution for FunCaptcha. Additionally, services like 2Captcha provide a reliable alternative, ensuring comprehensive CAPTCHA-solving capabilities. This guide offers a detailed roadmap for anyone looking to delve into the fascinating world of AI-driven CAPTCHA solutions, emphasizing the importance of each step in achieving a robust and reliable model.


How does the video explain the process of splitting images for AI training?

The video explains that the Pillow library prepares images for AI training. Specifically, the crop function is employed to split where the digit is located in the CAPTCHA. This step isolates the digit, making it easier for the AI to process and recognize. The split images are then tested to ensure they are correctly prepared for the next steps in the AI model development.

What role does RoboFlow play in the creation of the AI model?

RoboFlow provides the datasets and models necessary for training the AI. In the video, RoboFlow is used to access a pre-existing dataset and train a model capable of recognizing digits in CAPTCHAs. RoboFlow’s free platform offers a range of tools and resources that simplify the AI training process, making it accessible even for those with limited experience in AI development.

How is the Label Studio tool used to prepare data for training the model?

Label Studio efficiently labels images, a crucial step in preparing data for AI model training. The video shows how to set up Label Studio, create a new project, import pictures, and add classes for detected objects. Once the photos are labeled and exported in YOLO format, prepare them for model training. This labeling process ensures that the AI has high-quality, accurately annotated data to learn.

By understanding and following these detailed steps, developers can create powerful AI models capable of handling FunCaptcha’s complexities, ensuring a seamless and effective CAPTCHA-solving experience.

Date: May 31, 2024
People: Oxyn