How to solve KeyCAPTCHA using the 2Captcha service API


KeyCAPTCHA is a widely used CAPTCHA service designed to differentiate between human users and automated scripts. It employs various puzzles and challenges to ensure that only real users can proceed, making it a significant hurdle for automated bots.

However, there are legitimate reasons for wanting to automate the solving of CAPTCHAs, such as in automated testing, scraping for data, and other large-scale web automation tasks. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to solve KeyCAPTCHA using the 2Captcha service API.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to KeyCAPTCHA
  2. Understanding 2Captcha
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Setting Up 2Captcha
  5. KeyCAPTCHA Workflow
  6. Using the 2Captcha API to Solve KeyCAPTCHA
  7. Integrating the Solution into Your Workflow
  8. Handling Common Issues and Errors
  9. Best Practices
  10. Conclusion

Introduction to KeyCAPTCHA

KeyCAPTCHA is a type of CAPTCHA system that presents a small puzzle or task that must be completed to prove the user is human. Unlike traditional CAPTCHAs, which rely on text recognition, KeyCAPTCHA often involves dragging and dropping objects to complete a specific task. This type of CAPTCHA is more secure against automated solutions because it requires interaction with the webpage in a way that mimics human behavior.

The primary purpose of KeyCAPTCHA is to prevent automated scripts from abusing web services. By ensuring that a user is human, websites can protect themselves from spam, data scraping, and other malicious activities.

Understanding 2Captcha

2Captcha is an online service that provides solutions for a wide range of CAPTCHA challenges, including KeyCAPTCHA. It works by using a network of human solvers who solve CAPTCHAs on behalf of users for a fee. The service offers an API that allows developers to integrate CAPTCHA solving capabilities into their applications.

The 2Captcha API supports various CAPTCHA types, including image-based, text-based, and interactive puzzles like KeyCAPTCHA. By leveraging 2Captcha, developers can automate the process of solving CAPTCHAs, enabling their scripts and applications to proceed without manual intervention.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. 2Captcha Account: You need an account on 2Captcha. You can sign up at 2Captcha’s website.
  2. API Key: Obtain your API key from the 2Captcha dashboard after creating an account.
  3. Programming Knowledge: Familiarity with programming concepts and languages such as Python, JavaScript, or any language that can make HTTP requests.
  4. HTTP Client: A tool or library to make HTTP requests, such as requests in Python or axios in JavaScript.

Setting Up 2Captcha

To get started with 2Captcha, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up: Go to the 2Captcha website and sign up for an account.
  2. Add Funds: Add funds to your account to pay for the CAPTCHA solving service. 2Captcha charges a small fee for each solved CAPTCHA.
  3. Get Your API Key: Navigate to the dashboard and copy your API key. This key will be used to authenticate your requests to the 2Captcha API.

KeyCAPTCHA Workflow

Understanding the workflow of KeyCAPTCHA is crucial for integrating with 2Captcha. Here’s a typical workflow:

  1. Challenge Presentation: The webpage presents a KeyCAPTCHA challenge to the user.
  2. User Interaction: The user completes the puzzle by dragging and dropping objects or performing other interactions.
  3. Verification: The completed challenge is verified by the server, and if correct, the user is allowed to proceed.

When automating this process, your script will need to:

  1. Extract the KeyCAPTCHA parameters from the webpage.
  2. Submit these parameters to 2Captcha for solving.
  3. Receive the solution and use it to complete the CAPTCHA verification.

Using the 2Captcha API to Solve KeyCAPTCHA

Step 1: Getting the CAPTCHA Key

To solve a KeyCAPTCHA, you first need to extract the necessary parameters from the webpage. This typically involves identifying the site key and other relevant data.

Here’s a simplified example in Python using requests and BeautifulSoup:


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_keycaptcha_params(url):
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, ‘html.parser’)# Find the KeyCAPTCHA script or form element
keycaptcha_script = soup.find(‘script’, {‘src’: lambda x: x and ‘keycaptcha’ in x})if keycaptcha_script:
# Extract necessary parameters (example, actual implementation may vary)
site_key = keycaptcha_script[‘data-sitekey’]
# Add more parameters as neededreturn {
‘site_key’: site_key,
# Add other parameters
raise Exception(“KeyCAPTCHA not found on the page”)url = ‘’
params = get_keycaptcha_params(url)

Step 2: Submitting the CAPTCHA for Solving

Once you have the necessary parameters, submit them to 2Captcha for solving. The 2Captcha API requires the following parameters for KeyCAPTCHA:

  • method: Set to keycaptcha.
  • key: Your 2Captcha API key.
  • s_s_c_user_id, s_s_c_session_id, s_s_c_web_server_sign, s_s_c_web_server_sign2: These are the KeyCAPTCHA parameters extracted from the webpage.

Here’s an example of how to submit these parameters:


import json

def submit_keycaptcha(api_key, params):
url = ‘’
data = {
‘method’: ‘keycaptcha’,
‘key’: api_key,
‘s_s_c_user_id’: params[‘s_s_c_user_id’],
‘s_s_c_session_id’: params[‘s_s_c_session_id’],
‘s_s_c_web_server_sign’: params[‘s_s_c_web_server_sign’],
‘s_s_c_web_server_sign2’: params[‘s_s_c_web_server_sign2’]

response =, data=data)
if response.ok:
result = response.text
if ‘OK’ in result:
captcha_id = result.split(‘|’)[1]
return captcha_id
raise Exception(“Error submitting CAPTCHA: “ + result)

captcha_id = submit_keycaptcha(api_key, params)
print(f”CAPTCHA ID: {captcha_id})

Step 3: Retrieving the Solution

After submitting the CAPTCHA, you need to poll 2Captcha to get the solution. This typically involves making repeated requests to check if the CAPTCHA has been solved.

Here’s an example:


import time

def get_solution(api_key, captcha_id):
url = f”{api_key}&action=get&id={captcha_id}

while True:
response = requests.get(url)
if response.ok:
result = response.text
if ‘OK’ in result:
return result.split(‘|’)[1]
elif ‘CAPCHA_NOT_READY’ in result:
raise Exception(“Error retrieving solution: “ + result)

solution = get_solution(api_key, captcha_id)
print(f”CAPTCHA Solution: {solution})

Integrating the Solution into Your Workflow

Once you have the solution from 2Captcha, you can use it to complete the KeyCAPTCHA challenge on the original webpage. This typically involves submitting the solution as part of a form or an AJAX request.

Here’s an example in Python using requests:


def submit_solution(url, solution):
data = {
'keycaptcha_solution': solution
# Add other necessary form data
response =, data=data)
if response.ok:
print(“CAPTCHA solved and form submitted successfully”)
response.raise_for_status()submit_solution(‘’, solution)

Handling Common Issues and Errors

While integrating 2Captcha into your workflow, you might encounter various issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Invalid API Key: Ensure that you are using the correct API key from your 2Captcha dashboard.
  2. CAPTCHA Not Found: Double-check your method for extracting the KeyCAPTCHA parameters from the webpage.
  3. CAPTCHA Not Ready: Be patient and implement a polling mechanism to wait for the CAPTCHA solution.
  4. Submission Errors: Ensure that you are correctly formatting your requests to the original webpage when submitting the solution.

Best Practices

To ensure smooth operation and avoid potential issues, follow these best practices:

  1. Rate Limiting: Respect the rate limits of both the target website and the 2Captcha API to avoid being banned or throttled.
  2. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage different failure scenarios gracefully.
  3. Logging: Maintain logs of your requests and responses to troubleshoot issues effectively.
  4. Security: Keep your 2Captcha API key secure and avoid hardcoding it in your scripts.


Solving KeyCAPTCHA using the 2Captcha service API involves extracting the necessary CAPTCHA parameters from the target webpage, submitting these parameters to 2Captcha for solving, and then using the returned solution to complete the CAPTCHA challenge. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can automate the solving of KeyCAPTCHA and integrate it into your web automation workflows. Remember to follow best practices for error handling, rate limiting, and security to ensure a smooth and reliable implementation.

Solving KeyCaptcha Using the 2captcha API

The video explains the process of solving an unconventional type of captcha, KeyCaptcha, using the 2captcha API. KeyCaptcha is a puzzle that must be assembled from fragments, and this video covers the steps needed to automate its solution through API interaction.

Detailed Summary

🎯 Introduction to KeyCaptcha

KeyCaptcha is a unique captcha type that presents a puzzle that must be assembled. This type of captcha is more complex than traditional text-based captchas and is designed to be more challenging for automated systems to solve.

🧑‍💻 API Overview and Setup

The 2captcha service provides an API that can be used to solve various types of captchas, including KeyCaptcha. The video introduces the GitHub repository that contains the necessary scripts and examples for different captcha types, specifically focusing on the PHP examples provided.

📜 Obtaining the API Key

A unique API key is required to use the 2captcha service. This key can be found in the user’s profile on the 2captcha website after registering and logging in. This API key is essential for authenticating requests made to the 2captcha service.

🔧 Preparing the Configuration File

The configuration file contains several important elements:

  • API Key: Unique to each user and necessary for making requests.
  • Error Handler Code: Ensures that any issues during the captcha-solving process are appropriately managed.
  • Parameter Setup: Defines the parameters required for solving the captcha.

💻 Extracting Necessary Parameters

To solve the captcha, specific parameters must be extracted from the KeyCaptcha script on the webpage. These parameters include details about the puzzle pieces and their arrangement. The video shows how to locate and extract these parameters from the page source code.

🏗️ Constructing the Request

Once the parameters are obtained, they need to be included in the request sent to the 2captcha API. The video demonstrates how to construct this request, ensuring all necessary information is included.

📬 Sending the Request

The constructed request is sent to the 2captcha service via a script run from the terminal. This script sends the parameters and waits for the response from the 2captcha workers who solve the captcha puzzle.

⏳ Waiting for the Solution

The 2captcha service processes the request, and typically within a few seconds, returns the solution. The response includes the necessary data to complete the puzzle on the webpage.

🔄 Implementing the Solution

After receiving the solution from 2captcha, the video explains how to implement it on the webpage. This involves modifying the page’s code to remove certain elements (like a script and a div) and inserting the solution data.

✅ Verifying the Result

The final step is to verify that the captcha has been successfully solved. The video demonstrates this by checking the webpage after implementing the solution to ensure the captcha is no longer present.


How 2captcha Works

2captcha is a human-powered service that uses real people to solve captchas. When a captcha is submitted to 2captcha, it is distributed to workers who solve it and return the solution. This process is generally quick, taking a few seconds to a minute.

KeyCaptcha Specifics

KeyCaptcha is designed to be more secure by requiring users to solve a puzzle. This makes it harder for automated bots to solve. However, services like 2captcha leverage human workers to solve these puzzles efficiently.

Automation with 2captcha API

The 2captcha API allows developers to automate the process of solving captchas. By integrating the API into their systems, developers can programmatically solve captchas without manual intervention. This is particularly useful for tasks that require large-scale automation.


Q: What is KeyCaptcha?

A: KeyCaptcha is a type of captcha that presents a puzzle that users must solve to prove they are human. It is designed to be more secure and harder for automated bots to solve.

Q: How does the 2captcha service solve captchas?

A: 2captcha uses a network of human workers who solve captchas and return the solutions. This allows the service to solve complex captchas like KeyCaptcha quickly and accurately.

Q: What is required to use the 2captcha API?

A: To use the 2captcha API, you need to register on the 2captcha website and obtain a unique API key. This key is used to authenticate requests to the API.

Q: How do I obtain the necessary parameters for solving KeyCaptcha?

A: The necessary parameters can be extracted from the webpage containing the KeyCaptcha. This involves inspecting the page’s source code to find the script that defines the puzzle pieces and their arrangement.

Q: Can the 2captcha API solve other types of captchas?

A: Yes, the 2captcha API can solve a wide variety of captchas, including text-based captchas, image captchas, reCAPTCHA, and more.

Q: How long does it take for 2captcha to solve a captcha?

A: The time it takes for 2captcha to solve a captcha can vary, but it usually takes a few seconds to a minute.

Q: Is it legal to use captcha-solving services?

A: The legality of using captcha-solving services can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction. It’s important to review the terms of service of the websites you’re interacting with and consult legal advice if necessary.

Q: How do I implement the solution returned by 2captcha?

A: After receiving the solution from 2captcha, you need to modify the webpage’s code to insert the solution data and remove any elements that might interfere with the captcha being recognized as solved.

Q: What programming languages are supported by the 2captcha API?

A: The 2captcha API can be used with various programming languages, including PHP, Python, JavaScript, and others. The 2captcha GitHub repository contains examples for multiple languages.

Q: Can 2captcha handle bulk captcha-solving requests?

A: Yes, the 2captcha service is designed to handle large volumes of captcha-solving requests, making it suitable for applications that require bulk processing.

Learn how to solve KeyCaptcha using the 2captcha API with detailed instructions, examples, and step-by-step guidance for seamless captcha-solving automation.

Solving KeyCaptcha Using the 2captcha API: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to KeyCaptcha

KeyCaptcha stands out as a unique and challenging type of captcha that requires users to assemble a puzzle from fragments. Unlike traditional text-based captchas, KeyCaptcha’s complexity is designed to thwart automated systems, making it essential to find efficient solutions for bypassing this challenge in various web interactions.

API Overview and Setup

The 2captcha service provides an effective API solution for solving different types of captchas, including KeyCaptcha. This section introduces the necessary steps for setting up the API, focusing on examples and scripts available in the 2captcha GitHub repository, particularly those written in PHP.

Obtaining the API Key

To utilize the 2captcha service, a unique API key is required. This key can be found in your profile on the 2captcha website after registration and login. The API key is crucial for authenticating your requests to the 2captcha service, ensuring secure and efficient interactions.

Preparing the Configuration File

The configuration file is vital for the successful implementation of the 2captcha API. It includes:

  • API Key: Your unique identifier for making requests.
  • Error Handler Code: To manage issues during the captcha-solving process.
  • Parameter Setup: Defines the necessary parameters for solving the captcha.

Extracting Necessary Parameters

Solving KeyCaptcha requires extracting specific parameters from the KeyCaptcha script on the target webpage. These parameters, which detail the puzzle pieces and their arrangement, are critical for constructing a valid request. This section demonstrates how to locate and extract these parameters from the page source code.

Constructing the Request

After obtaining the parameters, they need to be included in the request sent to the 2captcha API. This section provides a step-by-step guide on constructing this request, ensuring that all necessary information is accurately included.

Sending the Request

With the request constructed, the next step is to send it to the 2captcha service via a terminal script. This script submits the parameters and waits for a response from 2captcha workers who will solve the captcha puzzle.

Waiting for the Solution

Once the request is processed, 2captcha typically returns a solution within a few seconds. The response includes data necessary to complete the puzzle on the webpage. This section explains how to handle and interpret the returned solution.

Implementing the Solution

After receiving the solution from 2captcha, you need to implement it on the target webpage. This involves modifying the page’s code to remove interfering elements and inserting the solution data. Detailed instructions are provided for these modifications.

Verifying the Result

The final step is to verify that the captcha has been successfully solved. This section guides you through checking the webpage after implementing the solution to ensure the KeyCaptcha is no longer present.

How 2captcha Works

2captcha is a human-powered service that leverages real people to solve captchas. When a captcha is submitted, it is distributed to a network of workers who solve it and return the solution. This process is generally quick, taking a few seconds to a minute, making it an efficient method for automated captcha-solving needs.

KeyCaptcha Specifics

KeyCaptcha requires users to solve a puzzle, adding a layer of security that is harder for automated bots to bypass. However, by utilizing human workers, services like 2captcha can solve these puzzles efficiently and accurately, providing a viable solution for automation tasks.

Automation with 2captcha API

The 2captcha API facilitates the automation of captcha-solving processes. Developers can integrate the API into their systems to solve captchas programmatically, reducing the need for manual intervention. This capability is especially useful for tasks that require large-scale automation.


What is KeyCaptcha?

KeyCaptcha is a type of captcha presenting a puzzle that users must solve to verify their humanity. It is designed to be more secure and harder for automated bots to solve.

How does the 2captcha service solve captchas?

2captcha uses a network of human workers who solve captchas and return the solutions. This allows for the quick and accurate solving of complex captchas like KeyCaptcha.

What is required to use the 2captcha API?

To use the 2captcha API, you need to register on the 2captcha website and obtain a unique API key. This key is used to authenticate requests to the API.

How do I obtain the necessary parameters for solving KeyCaptcha?

The necessary parameters can be extracted from the webpage containing the KeyCaptcha. This involves inspecting the page’s source code to find the script that defines the puzzle pieces and their arrangement.

Can the 2captcha API solve other types of captchas?

Yes, the 2captcha API can solve a wide variety of captchas, including text-based captchas, image captchas, reCAPTCHA, and more.

How long does it take for 2captcha to solve a captcha?

The time it takes for 2captcha to solve a captcha can vary, but it usually takes a few seconds to a minute.

Is it legal to use captcha-solving services?

The legality of using captcha-solving services can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction. It’s important to review the terms of service of the websites you’re interacting with and consult legal advice if necessary.

How do I implement the solution returned by 2captcha?

After receiving the solution from 2captcha, you need to modify the webpage’s code to insert the solution data and remove any elements that might interfere with the captcha being recognized as solved.

What programming languages are supported by the 2captcha API?

The 2captcha API can be used with various programming languages, including PHP, Python, JavaScript, and others. The 2captcha GitHub repository contains examples for multiple languages.

Can 2captcha handle bulk captcha-solving requests?

Yes, the 2captcha service is designed to handle large volumes of captcha-solving requests, making it suitable for applications that require bulk processing.


Solving KeyCaptcha using the 2captcha API involves several steps, from obtaining an API key and configuring the setup to extracting parameters, constructing requests, and implementing solutions. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of each step, ensuring that you can effectively automate the captcha-solving process for KeyCaptcha.

Date: June 8, 2024
People: Rucaptcha com