How to Earn Extra Income with 2Captcha: A Detailed Guide


Learn how to earn extra income by filling out captchas on 2Captcha. This guide explains the registration process, working methods, and potential earnings from solving captchas online.

In the digital age, opportunities to earn money online have become increasingly diverse. One such method is through solving captchas on the 2Captcha platform. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to navigate 2Captcha, from Registration to maximizing earnings. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or explore new online ventures, 2Captcha offers a straightforward way to start.

What is 2Captcha?

2Captcha is an online platform that allows users to earn money by solving captchas. Captchas are those small tests often found on websites to distinguish between human users and bots. Users help improve artificial intelligence systems and contribute to online security by solving these captchas.

Importance of Captchas

Captchas play a crucial role in maintaining online security. They prevent automated bots from accessing websites, protecting user data, and preventing spam. Moreover, the data collected from solved captchas helps train AI models, making them more innovative and efficient.

Registration on 2Captcha

Getting started on 2Captcha is simple. Users can register using their Google or Facebook accounts, making the process quick and convenient. Once registered, users need to pass a brief test to begin working on the platform.

The Initial Test

Before you can start earning, you need to pass an initial test on 2Captcha. This test consists of 15 questions to ensure you understand how to solve captchas correctly. The test is straightforward, and an answer key is available in the presenter Olivia Bocato’s Telegram group for those who need assistance.

Working on 2Captcha

Working on 2Captcha involves solving various captchas, including text, image, and audio. The platform is user-friendly, and tasks are easy to understand. Speed and accuracy are vital to earning more, as the platform pays per captcha solved.

Recommended Devices

For the best experience, using a computer when working on 2Captcha is recommended. This is due to fewer bugs and a more efficient workflow. While it is possible to use a smartphone, it might not be as seamless as using a computer.

Earnings on 2Captcha

Earnings on 2Captcha are modest, with payments made in dollars for every 1000 captchas solved. While the pay per captcha is small, diligent workers can accumulate earnings over time. Combining 2Captcha with other microtask platforms can also help boost overall income.

Efficiency and Practice

As with any skill, practice improves efficiency. The more captchas you solve, the faster and more accurate you become, which can significantly increase your earnings. Regular training and familiarization with different types of captchas are crucial to success on 2Captcha.

Payments and Withdrawals

2Captcha offers various payment methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Users can request withdrawals once they reach the minimum payout threshold. Detailed instructions on how to request payments are available on the platform, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Additional Resources

Additional resources are available to improve their captcha-solving skills and increase their earnings. Olivia Bocato offers microtask training and a supportive Telegram group where users can find tips and answer keys for the initial test and connect with other 2Captcha workers.


Users are encouraged to subscribe to the channel, share the video to support content growth and stay updated with the latest tips and tricks for earning on 2Captcha. Engaging with the community can provide valuable insights and enhance the overall experience on the platform.


What is 2Captcha? 2Captcha is a platform where users can earn money by solving captchas. Completing these small tasks is a simple way to make extra income.

How do I register on 2Captcha? You can register on 2Captcha using your Google or Facebook account. The process is quick and straightforward.

What is the initial test on 2Captcha? The initial test consists of 15 questions to ensure you understand how to solve captchas correctly. Passing this test is required to start earning.

How much can I earn on 2Captcha? Earnings on 2Captcha are small, typically paid per 1000 captchas solved. However, with practice and speed, you can increase your profits.

What devices can I use to work on 2Captcha? While you can use a smartphone, it is recommended to use a computer for a more efficient and bug-free experience.

How do I request payments on 2Captcha? Once you reach the minimum payout threshold, you can request payments through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Detailed instructions are provided on the platform.


2Captcha offers a viable way to earn extra income by solving captchas online. While the earnings are modest, the platform is accessible and can be a valuable addition to other microtask platforms. Users can improve their efficiency and earnings over time with practice and dedication. Remember to subscribe to Olivia Bocato’s channel and join the Telegram group for additional support and resources.

How to Earn Extra Income with 2Captcha: A Detailed Guide


In today’s digital age, finding legitimate ways to earn money online is a common goal for many. 2Captcha offers an opportunity to earn extra income by solving captchas, a seemingly simple task that contributes to improving global artificial intelligence systems. This guide will explore how to start with 2Captcha, the work involved, and the potential earnings.

What is 2Captcha?

2Captcha is an online platform that pays users to solve captchas. Captchas are those familiar verification tests that ask users to identify letters, numbers, or images to prove they are human. While it might seem trivial, solving captchas helps build databases that enhance artificial intelligence technologies.

Why Captchas Matter

Captchas play a crucial role in internet security and data validation. They prevent automated bots from accessing websites and services, protecting user data and ensuring genuine user interactions. The data collected from solved captchas is used to train AI systems, making them more innovative and efficient.

Getting Started with 2Captcha


  1. Visit the 2Captcha website: You can find the website easily by searching “2Captcha” on Google or following the link in the video.
  2. Sign up: Register using your Google or Facebook account or create a new account from scratch. The process is straightforward and quick.
  3. Profile setup: Once registered, mark yourself as a worker and complete your profile settings. You should specify your preferred languages to receive captcha tasks in those languages.

Initial Test

Before you start working, 2Captcha requires you to pass a test. This test consists of 15 questions to ensure you understand how to solve captchas correctly.

  1. Access the test: After logging in, navigate to the test section.
  2. Use available resources: The presenter, Olivia, has provided a complete answer key for this test in her Telegram group. Access this resource to help you pass the test without difficulties.
  3. Complete the test: Fill in the answers as per the guidance provided in the group and submit the test.

Working on 2Captcha

Solving Captchas

Once you pass the initial test, you can start solving captchas. The platform provides various types of captchas, each with specific instructions.

  1. Please choose your device: You should use a computer, as it is more efficient and has fewer bugs than mobile devices.
  2. Begin solving: Follow the instructions for each captcha. Speed and accuracy are crucial; the faster you solve them, the more you earn.
  3. Avoiding penalties: Be careful not to skip too many captchas or make errors, which can lead to temporary bans from the platform.


2Captcha pays you for every 1000 captchas solved. The rates vary, but you can earn around $0.45 to $1.50 per 1000 captchas on average.

  1. Monitor your earnings: Keep track of your progress and earnings through the dashboard.
  2. Improve your efficiency: With practice, you will become faster and more accurate, potentially increasing your earnings.


2Captcha pays its users in dollars, and you can request a withdrawal once you reach the minimum payout threshold.

  1. Set up your payment method: Use services like RTM to receive payments.
  2. Request a payout: Follow the instructions on the platform to request a payout. Olivia has provided a detailed guide in another video linked in the description.

Tips for Success

  1. Join support groups: Olivia’s Telegram group provides valuable resources, including the initial test answers and ongoing support.
  2. Combine with other platforms: Since earnings from 2Captcha alone might be modest, consider combining this with other microtask platforms to maximize your income.
  3. Stay updated: Follow Olivia’s channel for updates and tips on improving your efficiency and earnings.


2Captcha offers a legitimate way to earn extra income by solving captchas. While the earnings might be small, with dedication and efficiency, it can be a valuable addition to your online income streams. Make sure to utilize all the resources available, join support groups, and continuously improve your speed and accuracy to maximize this opportunity.


The video introduces the 2Captcha site and explains how to earn money by filling out captchas online. The presenter, Olivia Bocato, details the platform’s registration process, working methods, and potential earnings.


The 2Captcha site allows you to earn extra income by filling out captcha forms. However, the earnings are small, requiring significant time and dedication to accumulate a substantial amount.

Key Points

📝 Registration on 2Captcha: You can use a Google or Facebook account.

💡 Importance of Captchas: They help improve artificial intelligence and are a paid task.

💻 Working on 2Captcha: Requires time dedication and pays in dollars for every 1000 captchas solved.

📉 Earnings: Small amounts per 1000 captchas can be combined with other microtask platforms.

🔄 Initial Test: You must pass an initial 15-question test with an answer key in the presenter’s Telegram group.

🚀 Efficiency: Earnings increase with practice and speed in solving captchas.

📱 Recommended Devices: A computer is best because it has fewer bugs; a cell phone is a second option.

🔗 Additional Resources: Link to microtask training and Telegram group for support.

💲 Payments: Detailed explanations on how to request withdrawals on 2Captcha.

👍 Recommendations: Subscribe to the channel and share the video to support content growth.


  1. Introduction to 2Captcha: The video introduces the 2Captcha site as a way to earn money by filling captchas online.
  2. Importance of Captchas: Captchas help create databases to improve artificial intelligence globally.
  3. Registration and Sign-Up: Explanation on registering on the site using Google or Facebook accounts.
  4. Initial Test: Details about the 15-question test required to start working on the platform.
  5. Working Methods: Recommendations on devices and working methods, preferring the computer due to fewer bugs.
  6. Captcha Solving: Practical demonstration of how to solve captchas and the importance of being quick and accurate.
  7. Earnings and Payments: Information on the amounts paid for every 1000 captchas solved and how to request withdrawals.
  8. Efficiency and Practice: Increase efficiency with practice, earning more money by solving CAPTCHAs faster.
  9. Training and Support: Links to additional training and a Telegram group for support and resources, including an answer key for the initial test.
  10. Conclusion: Invitation to subscribe to the channel, share the video, and join the microtask training.
Date: May 25, 2024
People: Lívia Bocato