Earn By Solving 1000 Captcha Images – Homebased Captcha Typing Jobs


Earning money from home has become a popular trend, especially with the rise of digital jobs that require minimal qualifications and can be done at one’s own pace.

One such opportunity is solving CAPTCHA images. In this article, we will delve deep into how to earn money by solving CAPTCHA images, discussing the pros and cons, necessary requirements, legitimate websites to apply for such jobs, and more. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a clear understanding of whether this job is right for you and how to get started.

Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs

CAPTCHA, an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,” is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. They are commonly used as security measures on websites to prevent automated bots from accessing services and to protect against spam. CAPTCHA tasks often involve identifying distorted text, selecting images that fit certain criteria, or solving simple puzzles that are easy for humans but difficult for machines.

What is a CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA is designed to thwart bots and automated programs that attempt to misuse websites. They are a common feature on many websites, particularly during user registration, online voting, and e-commerce transactions. The primary goal is to ensure that only humans can perform certain actions on a website, thus preventing automated systems from spamming or exploiting the site.

How CAPTCHA Solving Jobs Work

In CAPTCHA solving jobs, workers are hired to solve these puzzles manually. This process involves logging into a platform where CAPTCHAs are displayed continuously. Workers solve these CAPTCHAs, and their solutions are used to confirm human activity on various websites. This work is typically paid on a per-CAPTCHA basis, meaning workers earn a small amount of money for each CAPTCHA they solve.

Pros and Cons of CAPTCHA Jobs

Like any job, CAPTCHA typing has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you decide if this is the right fit for you.


  1. Ease of Entry: CAPTCHA typing jobs are accessible to almost anyone with minimal requirements. You do not need a high level of education or any specialized skills.
  2. Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of CAPTCHA typing is the flexibility it offers. You can work at your own pace and choose when to work, making it a good option for those looking for additional income during their free time.
  3. No Specialized Skills Required: These jobs do not require any specific educational background or professional skills. As long as you can read, type, and use a computer or smartphone, you can do this job.


  1. Low Pay: The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, often not enough to be considered a primary source of income. The pay rate usually ranges from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved.
  2. Monotony: The work can be repetitive and unengaging, leading to potential boredom and fatigue. Solving the same type of puzzles over and over again can be tedious.
  3. Potential Scams: There are many fraudulent websites and scams associated with CAPTCHA jobs. Some websites may not pay you for your work or may require unnecessary personal information.

Requirements for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

To work as a CAPTCHA solver, you need a few basic tools and skills. Here is a list of the necessary requirements:

  1. Smartphone or Computer: A device capable of accessing the internet and handling basic typing tasks. This could be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. Internet Connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for accessing CAPTCHA tasks and submitting solutions. A slow or unreliable connection can hamper your ability to work efficiently.
  3. Fast Typing Skills: Being able to type quickly and accurately is crucial for maximizing earnings. The faster you can solve CAPTCHAs, the more you can earn.
  4. E-wallet: A digital wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments. Most CAPTCHA solving websites pay through these digital payment platforms.

Legitimate Websites for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

Finding legitimate CAPTCHA typing jobs is crucial to avoid scams. Mimi lists several websites where one can find legitimate CAPTCHA typing jobs:


This site pays in XRP (a type of cryptocurrency) which can be transferred to a account. It offers a unique payment method compared to other sites.


One of the most popular CAPTCHA solving sites, offers a minimum payout of $0.50, with payments made via PayPal. It is known for its reliability and timely payments.


This site pays between $0.45 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs, depending on the type of CAPTCHA. It is a well-established platform with a significant user base.


Similar to, MegaTypers offers payouts made through PayPal. It is user-friendly and has a straightforward interface.

5. Kolotibablo

Popular in India, Kolotibablo pays between $0.35 and $1 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. It has a reputation for being reliable and providing consistent work.

Earnings from CAPTCHA Typing

The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low. Most websites pay between $0.35 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved. While some sources claim that you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day, this requires a significant amount of time and effort. The availability of CAPTCHA tasks may vary, and there may be times when there are fewer tasks available, affecting your earnings.

Factors Influencing Earnings

Several factors can influence how much you earn from CAPTCHA typing:

  • Typing Speed and Accuracy: Faster and more accurate typists can complete more CAPTCHAs in less time, increasing their earnings.
  • Availability of Tasks: The number of available CAPTCHA tasks can vary. Some days might have more tasks than others.
  • Platform Payment Rates: Different platforms offer different pay rates. Choosing a platform with higher rates can improve your earnings.

Scams and Risks

Mimi emphasizes the importance of being cautious when applying for CAPTCHA typing jobs. Many fraudulent websites exist that may not pay workers or may require unnecessary personal information. To avoid scams, follow these guidelines:

How to Avoid Scams

  1. Use Verified Websites: Only apply to well-reviewed and verified websites. Research the platform before signing up to ensure it is legitimate.
  2. Protect Personal Information: Never share sensitive information such as your address, ID number, or birthdate. Legitimate CAPTCHA sites will not require this information.
  3. Avoid Upfront Payments: Do not pay for memberships or registration fees. Legitimate CAPTCHA sites do not charge you to work for them.

Common Scam Tactics

  • Unrealistic Earnings Promises: Be wary of sites that promise very high earnings for minimal work. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Request for Personal Information: Scammers may ask for personal information that is not necessary for CAPTCHA work. Protect your data.
  • Upfront Fees: Legitimate sites do not require you to pay to join. Avoid sites that ask for money upfront.

Alternative Gigs

Mimi suggests considering other micro freelancing or side gigs that may offer better earnings and stability compared to CAPTCHA typing. Some alternatives include:

1. Micro Freelancing

Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer small tasks that can be completed for a fee. These tasks can range from writing and graphic design to data entry and virtual assistance.

2. Online Tutoring

Teaching subjects or skills online can be a more lucrative option. Websites like Chegg Tutors and connect tutors with students for various subjects and skill levels.

3. Content Creation

Creating and monetizing content on platforms like YouTube or blogging can be a good way to earn money. This requires some initial investment of time and effort but can pay off in the long run.

4. Online Surveys

Taking online surveys is another way to earn money from home. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie pay users for sharing their opinions.

5. Transcription Jobs

Transcription involves converting audio files into written text. Websites like Rev and TranscribeMe offer transcription jobs that can be done from home.

Target Audience

CAPTCHA typing is accessible to almost anyone, including minors with the appropriate e-wallet accounts. It is particularly suited for those looking for a simple and flexible way to earn a small amount of extra money during their free time. This includes students, stay-at-home parents, retirees, and anyone looking for an additional income source without needing to leave their home.

Final Thoughts

Mimi concludes by stating that while CAPTCHA typing can be an easy way to earn a small amount of money, it should not be relied upon as a main income source. It is a good option for those looking for a flexible, low-commitment way to make some extra cash. However, due to the low pay and potential for scams, it is important to approach this type of work with caution and consider other side gigs that may offer better returns.

Giveaway Announcement

The video ends with an announcement about an upcoming giveaway draw for subscribers, offering T-shirts and ₱200 load to 20 winners. This adds a fun and engaging element to the video, encouraging viewers to subscribe and participate.

Key Points


  • CAPTCHA typing jobs offer very low pay, typically ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs.
  • It is not a viable primary income source but can be a good way to earn extra money during free time.


  • Basic requirements include a smartphone or computer, fast typing skills, and a stable internet connection.
  • Payments are usually made through e-wallets like PayPal or


  • Be wary of scams and never share personal information.
  • Only use verified websites and avoid those that ask for upfront payments.

Legit Websites

  • Recommended websites include,,,, and Kolotibablo.

Time Investment

  • CAPTCHA typing is not a full-time job and is suitable for filling up downtime or as an extra gig.
  • Consistent work may not always be available, affecting potential earnings.


  • Some CAPTCHA jobs might stop paying or disappear over time due to the shifting nature of the websites.


  • Avoid sites that ask for membership fees or registration payments.
  • Protect your personal information from potential scams.


  • Consider other side gigs or micro freelancing opportunities that might offer better earnings and stability.

Payment Methods

  • Payments are usually made through e-wallets like PayPal or


  • Almost anyone, including minors with a PayPal or account, can do CAPTCHA typing.


Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs

The video starts with Mimi introducing CAPTCHA jobs, explaining what CAPTCHAs are, and their role in online security. CAPTCHA typing jobs involve solving puzzles to prove human interaction, thus preventing automated bots from accessing services and spamming websites.

Pros and Cons

Mimi discusses the benefits of CAPTCHA jobs, such as ease of entry and minimal requirements, as well as the downsides, primarily the low pay and potential for monotony. While these jobs are accessible and flexible, they are not highly lucrative and can be repetitive.


To work as a CAPTCHA solver, you need a smartphone, fast typing skills, and internet access. Payments are usually made via e-wallets, making it essential to have a PayPal or account.

Legitimate Websites

The video lists several websites where one can find CAPTCHA typing jobs, including,,,, and Kolotibablo. These sites are known for their legitimacy and timely payments.


Earnings from CAPTCHA jobs are very low, ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. While some claim you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day, this requires a significant amount of time and effort.

Scams and Risks

Mimi advises viewers to be cautious of scams, never to share personal information, and only to use verified websites. Avoid sites that ask for membership fees or upfront payments as they are likely to be fraudulent.

Alternative Gigs

The video suggests considering other micro freelancing or side gigs for better earnings and stability. Options like micro freelancing, online tutoring, content creation, online surveys, and transcription jobs offer more lucrative opportunities compared to CAPTCHA typing.

Target Audience

CAPTCHA typing is accessible to almost anyone, including minors with the appropriate e-wallet accounts. It is particularly suited for those looking for a simple and flexible way to earn a small amount of extra money during their free time.

Final Thoughts

Mimi concludes by stating that while CAPTCHA typing can be an easy way to earn a small amount of money, it should not be relied upon as a main income source. Viewers are encouraged to explore other side gigs that may offer better returns.

Giveaway Announcement

The video ends with an announcement about an upcoming giveaway draw for subscribers, offering T-shirts and ₱200 load to 20 winners. This adds a fun and engaging element to the video, encouraging viewers to subscribe and participate.


Q: What is CAPTCHA typing?

A: CAPTCHA typing involves solving CAPTCHA puzzles to verify that a user is human. These tasks can include identifying distorted text, selecting images, or solving simple puzzles.

Q: How much can I earn from CAPTCHA typing?

A: Earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. Some claim you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day.

Q: What do I need to start CAPTCHA typing?

A: You need a smartphone or computer, a stable internet connection, fast typing skills, and an e-wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments.

Q: Are there any risks associated with CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: Yes, there are risks, including potential scams. It is important to use verified websites and avoid sharing personal information or paying for memberships.

Q: Can CAPTCHA typing be a full-time job?

A: No, CAPTCHA typing is not recommended as a full-time job due to its low earnings. It is better suited as an extra gig to fill up downtime.

Q: What are some legitimate websites for CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: Some legitimate websites include,,,, and Kolotibablo.

Q: Why are CAPTCHA jobs available?

A: CAPTCHA jobs exist because automated systems cannot solve CAPTCHA puzzles, so human workers are needed to solve these tasks for various websites.

Q: What are the pros of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: The pros include ease of entry, flexibility, and no requirement for specialized skills or educational background.

Q: What are the cons of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: The cons include very low pay, monotonous work, and the potential for scams and fraudulent websites.

Q: Are there better alternatives to CAPTCHA typing for earning money online?

A: Yes, there are better alternatives, such as micro freelancing, online tutoring, and content creation, which may offer better earnings and stability.

Earn By Solving 1000 Captcha Images | Homebased Jobs

This video by Mimi discusses how to earn money from home by solving CAPTCHA images. It covers the pros and cons of CAPTCHA jobs, the necessary requirements, and lists some legitimate websites where one can apply for such jobs.

Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. They are commonly used as security measures on websites to prevent automated bots from accessing services and to protect against spam. CAPTCHA tasks often involve identifying distorted text, selecting images, or solving simple puzzles that are easy for humans but difficult for machines.

Pros and Cons of CAPTCHA Jobs


  1. Ease of Entry: CAPTCHA typing jobs are accessible to almost anyone with minimal requirements.
  2. Flexibility: You can work at your own pace and choose when to work, making it a good option for those looking for additional income during their free time.
  3. No Specialized Skills Required: These jobs do not require any specific educational background or professional skills.


  1. Low Pay: The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, often not enough to be considered a primary source of income.
  2. Monotony: The work can be repetitive and unengaging, leading to potential boredom and fatigue.
  3. Potential Scams: There are many fraudulent websites and scams associated with CAPTCHA jobs, requiring workers to be cautious and discerning.

Requirements for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

To work as a CAPTCHA solver, you need the following:

  1. Smartphone or Computer: A device capable of accessing the internet and handling basic typing tasks.
  2. Internet Connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for accessing CAPTCHA tasks and submitting solutions.
  3. Fast Typing Skills: Being able to type quickly and accurately is crucial for maximizing earnings.
  4. E-wallet: A digital wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments.

Legitimate Websites for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

Mimi lists several websites where one can find legitimate CAPTCHA typing jobs:

  1. This site pays in XRP (a type of cryptocurrency) which can be transferred to a account.
  2. Offers a minimum payout of $0.50, with payments made via PayPal.
  3. Pays between $0.45 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs, depending on the type of CAPTCHA.
  4. Similar to, with payouts made through PayPal.
  5. Kolotibablo: Popular in India, it pays between $0.35 and $1 per 1000 CAPTCHAs.

Earnings from CAPTCHA Typing

The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low. Most websites pay between $0.35 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved. While some sources claim that you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day, this requires a significant amount of time and effort, and the availability of CAPTCHA tasks may vary.

Scams and Risks

Mimi emphasizes the importance of being cautious when applying for CAPTCHA typing jobs. Many fraudulent websites exist that may not pay workers or may require unnecessary personal information. To avoid scams, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use Verified Websites: Only apply to well-reviewed and verified websites.
  2. Protect Personal Information: Never share sensitive information such as your address, ID number, or birthdate.
  3. Avoid Upfront Payments: Do not pay for memberships or registration fees.

Alternative Gigs

Mimi suggests considering other micro freelancing or side gigs that may offer better earnings and stability compared to CAPTCHA typing. Some alternatives include:

  1. Micro Freelancing: Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer small tasks that can be completed for a fee.
  2. Online Tutoring: Teaching subjects or skills online can be a more lucrative option.
  3. Content Creation: Creating and monetizing content on platforms like YouTube or blogging.

Target Audience

CAPTCHA typing is accessible to almost anyone, including minors with the appropriate e-wallet accounts. It is particularly suited for those looking for a simple and flexible way to earn a small amount of extra money during their free time.

Final Thoughts

Mimi concludes by stating that while CAPTCHA typing can be an easy way to earn a small amount of money, it should not be relied upon as a main income source. Viewers are encouraged to explore other side gigs that may offer better returns.

Giveaway Announcement

The video ends with an announcement about an upcoming giveaway draw for subscribers, offering T-shirts and ₱200 load to 20 winners.

Key Points

🎯 Earnings: CAPTCHA typing jobs offer very low pay, typically ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs.

📱 Requirements: Basic requirements include a smartphone, fast typing skills, and a stable internet connection.

🔐 Security: Be wary of scams and never share personal information. Only use verified websites.

🌐 Legit Websites: Recommended websites include,,,, and Kolotibablo.

Time Investment: CAPTCHA typing is not a full-time job and is suitable for filling up downtime or as an extra gig.

🚫 Limitations: Some CAPTCHA jobs might stop paying or disappear over time due to the shifting nature of the websites.

🛑 Risks: Avoid sites that ask for membership fees or registration payments.

💡 Alternatives: Consider other side gigs or micro freelancing opportunities that might offer better earnings and stability.

💵 Payment Methods: Payments are usually made through e-wallets like PayPal or

👥 Accessibility: Almost anyone, including minors with a PayPal or account, can do CAPTCHA typing.


  1. Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs: The video starts with Mimi introducing CAPTCHA jobs, explaining what CAPTCHAs are, and their role in online security.
  2. Pros and Cons: Mimi discusses the benefits of CAPTCHA jobs, such as ease of entry and minimal requirements, as well as the downsides, primarily the low pay.
  3. Requirements: To work as a CAPTCHA solver, you need a smartphone, fast typing skills, and internet access. Payments are usually made via e-wallets.
  4. Legitimate Websites: The video lists several websites where one can find CAPTCHA typing jobs, including,,,, and Kolotibablo.
  5. Earnings: Earnings from CAPTCHA jobs are very low, ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs, and it is not recommended as a primary source of income.
  6. Scams and Risks: Mimi advises viewers to be cautious of scams, never to share personal information, and only to use verified websites.
  7. Alternative Gigs: The video suggests considering other micro freelancing or side gigs for better earnings and stability.
  8. Target Audience: CAPTCHA typing is accessible to almost anyone, including minors with the appropriate e-wallet accounts.
  9. Final Thoughts: Mimi concludes by stating that while CAPTCHA typing can be an easy way to earn a small amount of money, it should not be relied upon as a main income source.
  10. Giveaway Announcement: The video ends with an announcement about an upcoming giveaway draw for subscribers.


Q: What is CAPTCHA typing?

A: CAPTCHA typing involves solving CAPTCHA puzzles to verify that a user is human. These tasks can include identifying distorted text, selecting images, or solving simple puzzles.

Q: How much can I earn from CAPTCHA typing?

A: Earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. Some claim you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day.

Q: What do I need to start CAPTCHA typing?

A: You need a smartphone or computer, a stable internet connection, fast typing skills, and an e-wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments.

Q: Are there any risks associated with CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: Yes, there are risks, including potential scams. It is important to use verified websites and avoid sharing personal information or paying for memberships.

Q: Can CAPTCHA typing be a full-time job?

A: No, CAPTCHA typing is not recommended as a full-time job due to its low earnings. It is better suited as an extra gig to fill up downtime.

Q: What are some legitimate websites for CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: Some legitimate websites include,,,, and Kolotibablo.

Q: Why are CAPTCHA jobs available?

A: CAPTCHA jobs exist because automated systems cannot solve CAPTCHA puzzles, so human workers are needed to solve these tasks for various websites.

Q: What are the pros of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: The pros include ease of entry, flexibility, and no requirement for specialized skills or educational background.

Q: What are the cons of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

A: The cons include very low pay, monotonous work, and the potential for scams and fraudulent websites.

Q: Are there better alternatives to CAPTCHA typing for earning money online?

A: Yes, there are better alternatives, such as micro freelancing, online tutoring, and content creation, which may offer better earnings and stability.

Earn By Solving 1000 Captcha Images: A Detailed Guide to Home-Based CAPTCHA Jobs

Earning money from home has become a popular trend, especially with the rise of digital jobs that require minimal qualifications and can be done at one’s own pace. One such opportunity is solving CAPTCHA images. In this article, we will delve deep into how to earn money by solving CAPTCHA images, discussing the pros and cons, necessary requirements, legitimate websites to apply for such jobs, and more. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a clear understanding of whether this job is right for you and how to get started.

SEO Meta-Description

Earn money from home by solving CAPTCHA images. Discover the pros and cons, requirements, legitimate websites, and tips for success in CAPTCHA typing jobs.

Table of Contents

Heading Sub-Topics
Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs
What is a CAPTCHA?
How CAPTCHA Solving Jobs Work
Pros and Cons of CAPTCHA Jobs
Pros Ease of Entry, Flexibility, No Specialized Skills Required
Cons Low Pay, Monotony, Potential Scams
Requirements for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs
Legitimate Websites for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs,,,, Kolotibablo
Earnings from CAPTCHA Typing
Factors Influencing Earnings Typing Speed and Accuracy, Availability of Tasks, Platform Payment Rates
Scams and Risks
How to Avoid Scams Use Verified Websites, Protect Personal Information, Avoid Upfront Payments
Common Scam Tactics Unrealistic Earnings Promises, Request for Personal Information, Upfront Fees
Alternative Gigs Micro Freelancing, Online Tutoring, Content Creation, Online Surveys, Transcription Jobs
Target Audience
Final Thoughts
FAQs What is CAPTCHA typing?, How much can I earn from CAPTCHA typing?, What do I need to start CAPTCHA typing?, Are there any risks associated with CAPTCHA typing jobs?, Can CAPTCHA typing be a full-time job?, What are some legitimate websites for CAPTCHA typing jobs?, Why are CAPTCHA jobs available?, What are the pros of CAPTCHA typing jobs?, What are the cons of CAPTCHA typing jobs?, Are there better alternatives to CAPTCHA typing for earning money online?

Introduction to CAPTCHA Jobs

Earning money from home has become a popular trend, especially with the rise of digital jobs that require minimal qualifications and can be done at one’s own pace. One such opportunity is solving CAPTCHA images. In this article, we will delve deep into how to earn money by solving CAPTCHA images, discussing the pros and cons, necessary requirements, legitimate websites to apply for such jobs, and more. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a clear understanding of whether this job is right for you and how to get started.

What is a CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA, an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,” is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. They are commonly used as security measures on websites to prevent automated bots from accessing services and to protect against spam. CAPTCHA tasks often involve identifying distorted text, selecting images that fit certain criteria, or solving simple puzzles that are easy for humans but difficult for machines.

How CAPTCHA Solving Jobs Work

In CAPTCHA solving jobs, workers are hired to solve these puzzles manually. This process involves logging into a platform where CAPTCHAs are displayed continuously. Workers solve these CAPTCHAs, and their solutions are used to confirm human activity on various websites. This work is typically paid on a per-CAPTCHA basis, meaning workers earn a small amount of money for each CAPTCHA they solve.

Pros and Cons of CAPTCHA Jobs

Like any job, CAPTCHA typing has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you decide if this is the right fit for you.


Ease of Entry: CAPTCHA typing jobs are accessible to almost anyone with minimal requirements. You do not need a high level of education or any specialized skills.

Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of CAPTCHA typing is the flexibility it offers. You can work at your own pace and choose when to work, making it a good option for those looking for additional income during their free time.

No Specialized Skills Required: These jobs do not require any specific educational background or professional skills. As long as you can read, type, and use a computer or smartphone, you can do this job.


Low Pay: The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, often not enough to be considered a primary source of income. The pay rate usually ranges from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved.

Monotony: The work can be repetitive and unengaging, leading to potential boredom and fatigue. Solving the same type of puzzles over and over again can be tedious.

Potential Scams: There are many fraudulent websites and scams associated with CAPTCHA jobs. Some websites may not pay you for your work or may require unnecessary personal information.

Requirements for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

To work as a CAPTCHA solver, you need a few basic tools and skills. Here is a list of the necessary requirements:

Smartphone or Computer: A device capable of accessing the internet and handling basic typing tasks. This could be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Internet Connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for accessing CAPTCHA tasks and submitting solutions. A slow or unreliable connection can hamper your ability to work efficiently.

Fast Typing Skills: Being able to type quickly and accurately is crucial for maximizing earnings. The faster you can solve CAPTCHAs, the more you can earn.

E-wallet: A digital wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments. Most CAPTCHA solving websites pay through these digital payment platforms.

Legitimate Websites for CAPTCHA Typing Jobs

Finding legitimate CAPTCHA typing jobs is crucial to avoid scams. Here are several websites where one can find legitimate CAPTCHA typing jobs:


This site pays in XRP (a type of cryptocurrency) which can be transferred to a account. It offers a unique payment method compared to other sites.


One of the most popular CAPTCHA solving sites, offers a minimum payout of $0.50, with payments made via PayPal. It is known for its reliability and timely payments.


This site pays between $0.45 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs, depending on the type of CAPTCHA. It is a well-established platform with a significant user base.


Similar to, MegaTypers offers payouts made through PayPal. It is user-friendly and has a straightforward interface.

5. Kolotibablo

Popular in India, Kolotibablo pays between $0.35 and $1 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. It has a reputation for being reliable and providing consistent work.

Earnings from CAPTCHA Typing

The earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low. Most websites pay between $0.35 and $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved. While some sources claim that you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day, this requires a significant amount of time and effort. The availability of CAPTCHA tasks may vary, and there may be times when there are fewer tasks available, affecting your earnings.

Factors Influencing Earnings

Typing Speed and Accuracy: Faster and more accurate typists can complete more CAPTCHAs in less time, increasing their earnings.

Availability of Tasks: The number of available CAPTCHA tasks can vary. Some days might have more tasks than others.

Platform Payment Rates: Different platforms offer different pay rates. Choosing a platform with higher rates can improve your earnings.

Scams and Risks

It is important to be cautious when applying for CAPTCHA typing jobs. Many fraudulent websites exist that may not pay workers or may require unnecessary personal information. To avoid scams, follow these guidelines:

How to Avoid Scams

Use Verified Websites: Only apply to well-reviewed and verified websites. Research the platform before signing up to ensure it is legitimate.

Protect Personal Information: Never share sensitive information such as your address, ID number, or birthdate. Legitimate CAPTCHA sites will not require this information.

Avoid Upfront Payments: Do not pay for memberships or registration fees. Legitimate CAPTCHA sites do not charge you to work for them.

Common Scam Tactics

Unrealistic Earnings Promises: Be wary of sites that promise very high earnings for minimal work. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Request for Personal Information: Scammers may ask for personal information that is not necessary for CAPTCHA work. Protect your data.

Upfront Fees: Legitimate sites do not require you to pay to join. Avoid sites that ask for money upfront.

Alternative Gigs

Consider other micro freelancing or side gigs that may offer better earnings and stability compared to CAPTCHA typing. Some alternatives include:

1. Micro Freelancing

Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer small tasks that can be completed for a fee. These tasks can range from writing and graphic design to data entry and virtual assistance.

2. Online Tutoring

Teaching subjects or skills online can be a more lucrative option. Websites like Chegg Tutors and connect tutors with students for various subjects and skill levels.

3. Content Creation

Creating and monetizing content on platforms like YouTube or blogging can be a good way to earn money. This requires some initial investment of time and effort but can pay off in the long run.

4. Online Surveys

Taking online surveys is another way to earn money from home. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie pay users for sharing their opinions.

5. Transcription Jobs

Transcription involves converting audio files into written text. Websites like Rev and TranscribeMe offer transcription jobs that can be done from home.

Target Audience

CAPTCHA typing is accessible to almost anyone, including minors with the appropriate e-wallet accounts. It is particularly suited for those looking for a simple and flexible way to earn a small amount of extra money during their free time. This includes students, stay-at-home parents, retirees, and anyone looking for an additional income source without needing to leave their home.

Final Thoughts

While CAPTCHA typing can be an easy way to earn a small amount of money, it should not be relied upon as a main income source. It is a good option for those looking for a flexible, low-commitment way to make some extra cash. However, due to the low pay and potential for scams, it is important to approach this type of work with caution and consider other side gigs that may offer better returns.


What is CAPTCHA typing?

CAPTCHA typing involves solving CAPTCHA puzzles to verify that a user is human. These tasks can include identifying distorted text, selecting images, or solving simple puzzles.

How much can I earn from CAPTCHA typing?

Earnings from CAPTCHA typing are generally very low, ranging from $0.35 to $1.50 per 1000 CAPTCHAs. Some claim you can earn up to $200 per month by working several hours a day.

What do I need to start CAPTCHA typing?

You need a smartphone or computer, a stable internet connection, fast typing skills, and an e-wallet like PayPal or for receiving payments.

Are there any risks associated with CAPTCHA typing jobs?

Yes, there are risks, including potential scams. It is important to use verified websites and avoid sharing personal information or paying for memberships.

Can CAPTCHA typing be a full-time job?

No, CAPTCHA typing is not recommended as a full-time job due to its low earnings. It is better suited as an extra gig to fill up downtime.

What are some legitimate websites for CAPTCHA typing jobs?

Some legitimate websites include,,,, and Kolotibablo.

Why are CAPTCHA jobs available?

CAPTCHA jobs exist because automated systems cannot solve CAPTCHA puzzles, so human workers are needed to solve these tasks for various websites.

What are the pros of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

The pros include ease of entry, flexibility, and no requirement for specialized skills or educational background.

What are the cons of CAPTCHA typing jobs?

The cons include very low pay, monotonous work, and the potential for scams and fraudulent websites.

Are there better alternatives to CAPTCHA typing for earning money online?

Yes, there are better alternatives, such as micro freelancing, online tutoring, and content creation, which may offer better earnings and stability.

Date: June 10, 2024
People: Mimi Luarca