Click Captcha Solving Service. How to bypass Click Captcha with 2Captcha API


Click Captcha is a widely used type of Captcha designed to differentiate between human users and automated bots. This method involves presenting the user with images and asking them to click on those that match a specific request, such as selecting all pictures that contain bicycles, keys, or axes.

While this process is straightforward for humans, it can be a significant hurdle for automated systems. This blog explores how to leverage the 2Captcha API to bypass Click Captcha effectively, detailing the setup, implementation, and execution of the solution.

Setting Up PHP Scripts

To solve Click Captchas using the 2Captcha API, you must set up PHP scripts tailored to handle various Captcha types. Thankfully, the 2Captcha service provides example scripts on GitHub, complete with detailed installation, configuration, and error-handling instructions. Here are the key steps to follow:

  1. Clone the Repository: Download the example scripts from the 2Captcha GitHub repository.
  2. Install Dependencies: Ensure all necessary PHP dependencies are installed.
  3. Configuration: Customize the scripts to include your 2Captcha API key and other configuration settings.
  4. Error Handling: Implement robust handling to manage network errors or incorrect Captcha solutions.

Obtaining the API Key

The API key is essential for authenticating with the 2Captcha service. You’ll need to register and authorize your account on the 2Captcha website to obtain it. Once registered, the API key can be added to your PHP scripts, enabling secure communication with the 2Captcha service.

Proxy Usage

Proxies play a crucial role in securely and reliably solving Captchas. Using a proxy, you can mask your IP address, distribute requests across multiple IP addresses, and reduce the risk of IP bans. When configuring your setup, ensure you transfer the necessary proxy data (IP address, username, and password) to the 2Captcha service. This step enhances anonymity and prevents potential tracking or data breaches.

Process Overview

The process of solving a Click Captcha using the 2Captcha API involves several clear steps:

  1. Download Captcha Image: Retrieve the Captcha image from the placement page.
  2. Send to 2Captcha Service: Upload the image to the 2Captcha service, where a human worker will solve it.
  3. Receive Solution: The solution is returned as three sets of coordinates indicating where to click on the images.
  4. Implement Solution: Enter the received coordinates into the appropriate fields on the website to complete the Captcha challenge.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Download Captcha Image

To download the Captcha image, use a PHP script to access the webpage containing the Captcha and extract the image URL. This can be done using CURL or similar libraries to request HTTP and parse the HTML content.

Step 2: Send to 2Captcha Service

Once you have the Captcha image, please send it to the 2Captcha service using their API. The API call will include the image and your API key for authentication. The 2Captcha workers will then view and solve the Captcha, providing the solution as coordinates.

Step 3: Receive Solution

The solution from the 2Captcha service will be a set of coordinates indicating the precise locations to click on the Captcha images. These coordinates are crucial for accurately solving the Captcha.

Step 4: Implement Solution

Use the coordinates provided by 2Captcha to simulate clicks on the Captcha images. This can be done programmatically by sending the coordinates to the webpage’s click event handlers, ensuring the Captcha is solved correctly.

Execution and Validation

To execute and validate the Captcha-solving process, follow these steps:

  1. Run the Script: Execute the PHP script from the terminal. This will initiate downloading the Captcha image, sending it to 2Captcha, and waiting for the solution.
  2. Validate the Solution: Once you receive the solution, copy the coordinates and use them to solve the Captcha on the webpage. Ensure that the coordinates match the required clicks to pass the Captcha challenge.

Practical Demonstration

The accompanying video demonstrates this process, guiding viewers through each step, from running the script to validating the solution. Following these instructions, users can automate the Click Captcha-solving process and streamline their interactions with Captcha-protected websites.

Insights Based on Numbers


The API key is a vital component for interacting with the 2Captcha service. It ensures that each request is authenticated and authorized, allowing the service to process and solve Captchas accurately. Secure handling of the API key is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and misuse.

Proxy Data

Using proxy data, including the IP address, username, and password, is essential for maintaining anonymity and avoiding IP bans. Proxies distribute requests across IP addresses, enhancing security and reliability in solving Captchas.

Three Sets of Coordinates

The solution provided by the 2Captcha service includes three sets of coordinates. These coordinates pinpoint the exact locations where you can click on the Captcha images, ensuring accurate and efficient solving of the Captcha challenge.

Example Exploratory Questions

How does the 2Captcha API differ from other Captcha-solving services?

The 2Captcha API stands out because it uses human workers to solve Captchas, offering higher accuracy than fully automated solutions. This approach ensures that even complex Captchas, which might be challenging for automated systems, can be solved effectively. The 2Captcha API supports various Captcha types, including Click Captchas, reCAPTCHA, and image-based Captchas, making it versatile for different applications.

What are the advantages of using a proxy when solving Captchas?

Using a proxy offers several benefits:

  • Anonymity: Proxies conceal the IP address, making it difficult for Captcha systems to track and block repeated requests from the same source.
  • IP Rotation: Using multiple proxies, requests can be distributed across different IP addresses, reducing the likelihood of IP bans.
  • Security: Proxies add an extra layer of protection by preventing the exposure of the user’s IP address protecting against potential tracking and data breaches.
  • Efficiency: Proxies help manage large volumes of requests, ensuring that Captcha solving remains efficient and uninterrupted.

How can the error handler script be integrated into other Captcha-solving setups?

The error handler script can be adapted to different Captcha types by customizing it to handle errors specific to each Captcha. Here are some key adaptations:

  • Configuration: Adjust the script to match the configuration requirements of different Captcha services.
  • Error Handling: Implement specific error handling routines for common issues encountered with different Captchas, such as timeouts, incorrect responses, and network errors.
  • Scalability: Ensure the script is scalable and efficiently manages multiple requests and responses.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Incorporate logging and monitoring features to track performance and identify real-time issues, allowing for prompt troubleshooting and resolution.

These adaptations ensure that the error handler script provides a robust solution for various Captcha-solving scenarios, enhancing reliability and efficiency.


Following this blog’s detailed steps and recommendations, you can bypass Click Captchas using the 2Captcha API. This process is crucial to setting up PHP scripts, obtaining an API key, using proxies, and implementing error handling. With these tools and techniques, you can automate the Captcha-solving process, ensuring secure and reliable interactions with Captcha-protected websites.

Click Captcha is a popular method to verify if a user is human by asking them to click on images that meet specific criteria. Despite its simplicity for humans, automated systems find it challenging to solve these Captchas efficiently. This guide demonstrates how to use the 2Captcha API to automate this process, ensuring secure and reliable Captcha solving.

How to Click Captcha Works

Click Captcha presents a grid of images, prompting the user to select images containing specific objects. This task requires human-like perception and judgment, making it difficult for automated systems to perform accurately.

Challenges of Solving Click Captcha

Automated systems need help with Click Captcha because they need precise image recognition and the ability to understand context, which are tasks humans excel at but are challenging for machines.

Overview of 2Captcha API

2Captcha is a service that employs human workers to solve Captchas. Using the 2Captcha API, developers can automate Captcha-solving processes, leveraging human intelligence to bypass even the most challenging Captchas.

Benefits of Using 2Captcha API

Using the 2Captcha API offers several benefits:

  • Accuracy: Human workers solve Captchas, ensuring high accuracy.
  • Versatility: Supports various Captcha types, including Click Captchas, reCAPTCHA, and image-based Captchas.
  • Efficiency: Automates the Captcha-solving process, saving time and resources.

Setting Up PHP Scripts

You need to set up PHP scripts to use the 2Captcha API to solve Click Captchas. Here are the steps:

Cloning the Repository

Clone the example scripts from the 2Captcha GitHub repository. These scripts provide a starting point for implementing the solution.

Installing Dependencies

Ensure all necessary PHP dependencies are installed. This includes libraries for making HTTP requests and handling JSON data.

Configuring the Scripts

Customize the scripts to include your 2Captcha API key and other configuration settings.

Implementing Error Handling

Robust error handling is essential to manage network errors or incorrect Captcha solutions. Implement error-handling mechanisms to ensure your script can recover from these issues.

Obtaining the API Key

To use the 2Captcha service, you need an API key. Register on the 2Captcha website to obtain your API key. This key authenticates your requests to the 2Captcha service.

Proxy Usage in Captcha Solving

Proxies are essential for securely and reliably solving Captchas.

Importance of Proxies

Proxies mask your IP address, distribute requests, and reduce the risk of IP bans, enhancing anonymity and security.

Configuring Proxy Settings

When configuring your setup, include proxy data (IP address, username, and password) in your 2Captcha service configuration to ensure secure and anonymous Captcha solving.

Process Overview

The process of solving a Click Captcha using the 2Captcha API involves several steps:

  1. Download Captcha Image: Retrieve the Captcha image from the placement page.
  2. Send to 2Captcha Service: Upload the image to the 2Captcha service.
  3. Receive Solution: Get the solution as coordinates indicating where to click on the pictures.
  4. Implement Solution: Use the coordinates to simulate clicks on the pictures.

Detailed Steps

Download Captcha Image

Use a PHP script to access the webpage containing the Captcha and extract the image URL. CURL or similar libraries can make HTTP requests and parse the HTML content.

Send to 2Captcha Service.

Send the Captcha image to the 2Captcha service using their API. Include your API key for authentication. The service’s workers will solve the Captcha and provide a solution.

Receive Solution

The solution is returned as a set of coordinates. These coordinates indicate where to click on the Captcha images.

Implement Solution

Use the provided coordinates to simulate clicks on the Captcha images. This can be done programmatically by sending the coordinates to the webpage’s click event handlers.

Execution and Validation

Running the Script

Execute the PHP script from the terminal. This initiates downloading the Captcha image, sending it to 2Captcha, and waiting for the solution.

Validating the Solution

Once the solution is received, use the coordinates to solve the Captcha on the webpage. Ensure the clicks match the required positions to pass the Captcha challenge.

Practical Demonstration

The accompanying video demonstrates this process, guiding viewers through each step, from running the script to validating the solution.

Insights Based on Numbers


The API key is essential for interacting with the 2Captcha service, ensuring each request is authenticated and authorized.

Proxy Data

Using proxy data, including the IP address, username, and password, maintains anonymity and avoids IP bans.

Three Sets of Coordinates

The 2Captcha solution includes three sets of coordinates to allow users to accurately click on the Captcha images.

Example Exploratory Questions

How does the 2Captcha API differ from other Captcha-solving services?

2Captcha uses human workers to solve Captchas, offering higher accuracy than fully automated solutions. It supports various Captcha types, making it versatile for different applications.

What are the advantages of using a proxy when solving Captchas?

Using a proxy offers several benefits, including anonymity, IP rotation, security, and efficiency. Proxies conceal your IP address, distribute requests, and prevent tracking.

How can the error handler script be integrated into other Captcha-solving setups?

Adapt the error handler script to handle errors specific to different Captcha types by adjusting configuration, implementing specific error-handling routines, ensuring scalability, and incorporating logging and monitoring features.


Following these detailed steps, you can bypass Click Captchas using the 2Captcha API. Setting up PHP scripts, obtaining an API key, using proxies, and implementing error handling are crucial components. With these tools, you can automate the Captcha-solving process, ensuring secure and reliable interactions with Captcha-protected websites.


How does the 2Captcha API work? The 2Captcha API uses human workers to solve Captchas, providing accurate solutions for various Captcha types.

Why is using a proxy important when solving Captchas? Proxies enhance anonymity, distribute requests, and reduce the risk of IP bans, making the Captcha-solving process more secure and reliable.

Can the 2Captcha API solve all types of Captchas? The 2Captcha API supports various Captcha types, including Click Captchas, reCAPTCHA, and image-based Captchas, making it versatile for different applications.

What are the main steps in setting up the 2Captcha API to solve Click Captchas? The main steps include cloning the repository, installing dependencies, configuring the scripts, obtaining an API key, and using proxies.

How can I validate the solution received from the 2Captcha service? Run the PHP script, obtain the coordinates from the 2Captcha service, and use them to solve the Captcha on the webpage, ensuring the clicks match the required positions.

What are some common challenges when solving Click Captchas programmatically? Common challenges include:

  • Accurately recognizing images.
  • Handling network errors.
  • Managing IP bans.
  • Ensuring the clicks match the required positions on the Captcha images.
Date: June 1, 2024
People: 2Captcha